The ancestral art of functional breathing
Breathwork is key in these modern times, for anyone who wishes to decrease stress, have high quality sleeping patterns, stay sane and centered in a triggering world, be able to hold and handle emotions or keep anxiety at bay.
Relearning (and repeating) functional breathing patterns is just as foundational for mental, physical and spiritual health as functional (a.k.a. proper) food.💜
Prefrontal cortex benefits
Today I guided a lovely breathwork session called ’resilience’.
It’s a favourite of mine as it brings both parasympathetic delight in combination with long, challenging breath holds. I’ve always been drawn to the opposites, and have found my magic in guiding, holding space for, and doing it all. Not just the one or the other.
The benefits of this breathwork? Extremely healing for the central nervous system, strengthening of the prefrontal cortex, instant mental clarity and blood homeostasis.
A holistic and nourishing experience
When breathing with me, it’s also about receiving a holistic experience. It can be nurturing, soothing and safe. This is where the body heals, and rejuvenates. And this is where my breathers feel free and brave enough to go deeper into exploration, from inside and out. 💜
With love, Hanna
#breathguide #coach #nutritionist #holistichealth #consultant #functionalmedicinetherapist #longevity #foodandbreath #ancestral #wayoflife #breatheconnectgrow @hanna.gillving.ketolicious @hanna.gillving